Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Shut up.

OK, I know that you all THINK that it's been a long time since I've posted. Although that's technically true, it's not necessarily 100% accurate.

I have attempted, on numerous occasions, to post from work. I have written novels that never showed up. I have been witty...to no avail. I have written reviews that have been swallowed whole. Point being...I have tried. Apparently I am no longer able to post from work. Damnit.

Rest assured, however, that I will be writing from home. (Just not right now...it's 1:40AM and I'm exhausted.)

Here's a recap: Jamie loves his job, The Kavinoky is great, Tastefully Simple really is tasteful and simple, the weather sucked but is getting better (people are calling 34 degree weather a heatwave), we really have to go grocery shopping, I've started cutting coupons (not just to save money but for something to do on a Sunday morning), I missed my brother and brother-in-law's birthdays, we had to pay someone to plow out our driveway, our dogs have dry skin, I judged a cheesecake contest, my hair is getting more grey by the minute, Valentine's Day was lovely, President's Day was uneventful, I like bartending at the Water Valley Inn, my Aunt is pregnant, I have not won the lottery, I am still smoking, Enchanted April opens in about 11 days, I went to a Chinese New Year party (it is the year of the pig), my playbill was due 2 weeks ago, my cousin and her family visited from Michigan, D'Youville is changing to one insurance carrier, I have lots of things to do tomorrow, I took a four hour nap this evening and I am still tired, I'm using commas instead of semi-colons just to piss you off.

That should satisfy you, dear readers, until tomorrow.


Ben, Katie, Luke and Cole said...

Joe- I finally blogged too, woohoo! Don't feel bad about missing Ben's birthday, no big deal! If I said I took a four hour nap and was still tired everyone would thing I was pregnant :)

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Joe .. what aunt is prego? Not me, I'm way too old. See you when get back from PA. Need a collision estimate? I can do them now.

Love, Aunt Helen